I finished Tinker by Wen Spencer yesterday. It was a relatively quick read for a non-romance. I guess I finished it in about 10 days but I also read a few books at the same time. I guess romantic books get read quicker because of the pull of the romantic relationship. Having said that, maybe that is why I finished this quickly. Tinker is a great heroine, smart, likeable, human, and interesting. The world is an interesting one: Pittsburgh with a twist. In this book, Pittsburgh goes from Earth to Elfhome every 28 days because of a gate between the worlds. Hence, it's not quite considered Earth.
This book is immersed in a world of magic meets science. The elves live in a world of magic, but on Earth magic is linked to and explained by science. Tinker, a mechanical genius, is able to exploit the link between magic and science.
The book opens with a bang: Tinker saves a beautiful, aristocratic elf from large, carnivorous creatures trying to kill him when they barge into her salvage yard. It turns out they have a link because the elf Windwolf saved her life as an eight year old, and cast a spell that linked his lifeforce to hers. He is badly injured and needs her mechanical/magical expertise to keep him alive until they can get him back to Elfhome. He is very impressed with her and falls for her as a result. Tinker spends some time wondering how an elf like Windwolf, rich, high-born, and perfect to her, could be interested in her. It turns out that she has been crushing on him since she was eight years old.
I won't spoil the rare person who happens to read this blog entry, but let us say that Windwolf is not about to let Tinker walk out of his life. Their romance unfolds in a very fascinating, enjoyable manner, with some good action and magic as well. There is also another potential love interest that I spend a few moments wondering if Tinker wasn't more likely to end up with him.
If you like magic and elves, but also credible science with fiction thrown in, this book will do it for you. I must admit some of the quantum physics went over my head, because I'm more of a biological scientist. But I don't consider that an impediment to enjoying the book.
Also if you like kickbutt heroines, you will also love this book. As a matter of fact, I am adding Tinker to my list of favorite, unusual, and in her own way, kickbutt heroines. She definitely earned it as, she saves the day more than a few times. Few heroines make this list, so this is quite a compliment.
Some may find Tinker's internal back and forth about her relationship with Windwolf annoying, but since she is an 18 year old with no romantic experience, I found it realistic. I know I certainly wouldn't have recognized my true love at 18 years of age.
Windwolf is dreamy and intriguing, and although he is not in the book as much as I would like, you know that he's waiting in the background and is a significant part of the storyline, and that definitely is satisfying.
I like the premise of the book and the memorable characters, although some seem to drop off the page. I wonder if they reemerge in the sequel. One thing for sure, I am rooting for Tinker and Windwolf to have a long, loving life together.
I heartily recommend this book to urban fantasy, romance, and magical book fans, with a good bit of science thrown in.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Hero Turnoffs
If I could give a short list of hero turnoffs, this is what my list would include. But having said that, I can say that a good author can make you love a book despite those things that would normally turn you off. I can admit that I have read and loved a book with a hero who fits most of the the below. I don't mean to offend anyone who may disagree with me. This is my two cents, for what it's worth:
Duke of Slut: he has slept with every woman he knows except his mother, sister, initially the heroine, and possibly his best friends' wives. Personally I think these kind of characters are users who objectify women. They don't care about most of these women, they just want to get off, and to me that's wrong and makes the character unlikable. I am not saying that all heroes should be virgins, but I'd like to read more celibate heroes who respect women beyond just wanting to sleep with them. I have found that a lot of these guys may love having sex with women but most of them probably deep down don't like women as much as they might try to believe they do. The Naked Duke by Sally Mackenzie really impressed me because the hero (virgin) actually recognized that while he was using a woman to fulfill his sexual needs who was no innocent (widow or married lady) or using a prostitute, he was really using someones sister. And having sisters, he couldn't bring himself to do that. I think that romance readers love the appeal of an experienced hero who knows how to please a woman, but he had to get there by using women (either women of loose virtue, or perpetuating the system of women enslavement called prostitution.) Forgive me, but I have strong feelings about prostitution, and if you watch or read historical accounts, prostitutes, even high class courtesans, typically had very short, unhappy lives, and most of them succumbed from disease. I do like when the writer makes a point of indicating that the hero does attempt to protect himself from disease, but the more people you sleep with, the higher probability of catching a venereal disease was and still is. In general books with the Duke of Slut leave a bad taste in my mouth. Even if I like the book, I'm not too happy with this. With rare exception, if the hero has some emotional pathology, it makes more sense. A good example would be The Devil You Know by Liz Carlyle. I love it when the hero finds out the heroine is not a virgin and shrugs and says, neither am I. Bravo.
Mister Testosterone Toxicity: his testosterone levels are so high, that it is killing his brain. AKA Uber-alpha male. While I don't hate alpha males, I believe a little alpha goes a long way. I think it takes talent to write this character really well.
Sir I Believe Everything Bad About the Heroine Despite All Evidence to the Contrary: he is usually a duke of slut but for some reason hears rumors that the heroine may be less than innocent and decides she's a complete whore. This is also found in books with the Big Misunderstanding. Instead of just going and talking to the heroine for about five minutes he goes on the warpath. Most of the time I don't like books that much when they feature this hero.
Lord Double Standard: usually a Duke of Slut who wants a perfect, innocent wife. Like you deserve one. Also found as the guy who is far from perfect but is looking for the beautiful, connected wife because he deserves no less than that, and knowing he will probably be bored to tears if he does get Mrs. Perfect. This guy is often a snob in historicals because he's an aristocrat but the heroine has humble origins. I have also seen them in contemporaries.
Mister I Cannot Get Married Because Marriage is Not For Me: even though he has found his true love, he just cannot fathom the idea of actually marrying, because it's the end of the world. If he gets married he will just die. I know a lot of guys in real life has commitment heroes. I know I do too, but I don't hate marriage. It's so played out. I wish that this dude had a truly legitimate reason not to marry, but most of the time he doesn't. He want to have sex with heroine but he doesn't want to marry her. It could be because of any of the above or some other reason that makes perfect sense to him but not the reader.
Mister For Some Reason I Feel its My Right to Torture the Heroine. He does this in various ways: A. Saying horribly mean things to the heroine (especially hitting those sensitive areas). B. Parading his ex-mistresses around in front of the heroine. C. Doing something really mean to the heroine just because he can.
Mister Adultery. He believes it's okay to cheat on his wife because he doesn't love her, or he is forced into marriage, he is unfulfilled, he is afraid he will love her but won't feels he won't love his mistresses or lovers. Also the hero who thinks it's okay to sleep with other mens' wives if they don't keep them satisfied, or don't get caught, or just doesn't care. Ever heard of the Golden Rule, buddy?
Mister Thick as a Brick: this guy is so dumb he can't think himself out of a box. Thankfully this is rare. It's really bad when the heroine is also Too Stupid to Live as well.
I think these are the main ones I don't like. I think that if the hero is tortured, he will show some or many of these traits. Hopefully the writer has built a foundation of realism and a background that substantiates the reasons why he is doing these objectionable things. Sometimes I have to keep reading to find a reason to like the hero. If the writer can take a serious jerk and make me feel sorry and even like him, then I am definitely impressed. Some writers do it all the time, Diana Palmer for one, and I like most of these guys, and some fail miserably.
Again this is just MHO. Everyone has their own buttons that get pushed.
Duke of Slut: he has slept with every woman he knows except his mother, sister, initially the heroine, and possibly his best friends' wives. Personally I think these kind of characters are users who objectify women. They don't care about most of these women, they just want to get off, and to me that's wrong and makes the character unlikable. I am not saying that all heroes should be virgins, but I'd like to read more celibate heroes who respect women beyond just wanting to sleep with them. I have found that a lot of these guys may love having sex with women but most of them probably deep down don't like women as much as they might try to believe they do. The Naked Duke by Sally Mackenzie really impressed me because the hero (virgin) actually recognized that while he was using a woman to fulfill his sexual needs who was no innocent (widow or married lady) or using a prostitute, he was really using someones sister. And having sisters, he couldn't bring himself to do that. I think that romance readers love the appeal of an experienced hero who knows how to please a woman, but he had to get there by using women (either women of loose virtue, or perpetuating the system of women enslavement called prostitution.) Forgive me, but I have strong feelings about prostitution, and if you watch or read historical accounts, prostitutes, even high class courtesans, typically had very short, unhappy lives, and most of them succumbed from disease. I do like when the writer makes a point of indicating that the hero does attempt to protect himself from disease, but the more people you sleep with, the higher probability of catching a venereal disease was and still is. In general books with the Duke of Slut leave a bad taste in my mouth. Even if I like the book, I'm not too happy with this. With rare exception, if the hero has some emotional pathology, it makes more sense. A good example would be The Devil You Know by Liz Carlyle. I love it when the hero finds out the heroine is not a virgin and shrugs and says, neither am I. Bravo.
Mister Testosterone Toxicity: his testosterone levels are so high, that it is killing his brain. AKA Uber-alpha male. While I don't hate alpha males, I believe a little alpha goes a long way. I think it takes talent to write this character really well.
Sir I Believe Everything Bad About the Heroine Despite All Evidence to the Contrary: he is usually a duke of slut but for some reason hears rumors that the heroine may be less than innocent and decides she's a complete whore. This is also found in books with the Big Misunderstanding. Instead of just going and talking to the heroine for about five minutes he goes on the warpath. Most of the time I don't like books that much when they feature this hero.
Lord Double Standard: usually a Duke of Slut who wants a perfect, innocent wife. Like you deserve one. Also found as the guy who is far from perfect but is looking for the beautiful, connected wife because he deserves no less than that, and knowing he will probably be bored to tears if he does get Mrs. Perfect. This guy is often a snob in historicals because he's an aristocrat but the heroine has humble origins. I have also seen them in contemporaries.
Mister I Cannot Get Married Because Marriage is Not For Me: even though he has found his true love, he just cannot fathom the idea of actually marrying, because it's the end of the world. If he gets married he will just die. I know a lot of guys in real life has commitment heroes. I know I do too, but I don't hate marriage. It's so played out. I wish that this dude had a truly legitimate reason not to marry, but most of the time he doesn't. He want to have sex with heroine but he doesn't want to marry her. It could be because of any of the above or some other reason that makes perfect sense to him but not the reader.
Mister For Some Reason I Feel its My Right to Torture the Heroine. He does this in various ways: A. Saying horribly mean things to the heroine (especially hitting those sensitive areas). B. Parading his ex-mistresses around in front of the heroine. C. Doing something really mean to the heroine just because he can.
Mister Adultery. He believes it's okay to cheat on his wife because he doesn't love her, or he is forced into marriage, he is unfulfilled, he is afraid he will love her but won't feels he won't love his mistresses or lovers. Also the hero who thinks it's okay to sleep with other mens' wives if they don't keep them satisfied, or don't get caught, or just doesn't care. Ever heard of the Golden Rule, buddy?
Mister Thick as a Brick: this guy is so dumb he can't think himself out of a box. Thankfully this is rare. It's really bad when the heroine is also Too Stupid to Live as well.
I think these are the main ones I don't like. I think that if the hero is tortured, he will show some or many of these traits. Hopefully the writer has built a foundation of realism and a background that substantiates the reasons why he is doing these objectionable things. Sometimes I have to keep reading to find a reason to like the hero. If the writer can take a serious jerk and make me feel sorry and even like him, then I am definitely impressed. Some writers do it all the time, Diana Palmer for one, and I like most of these guys, and some fail miserably.
Again this is just MHO. Everyone has their own buttons that get pushed.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Revised 100 Favorite Books
It's that time again to go through and list all my favorite books. Of course, most are romance. This is me after all.
Disclaimer: Although I am pretty sure that Lord of Scoundrels is my all time favorite, this list is not in order.
Top 100 Favorite Books of All Time (2007 Edition)
1. Seek Only Passion by Deana James
2. Heartless by Mary Balogh
3. A Heart So Wild by Johanna Lindsey
4. Savage Thunder by Johanna Lindsey
5. Fallen by Celeste Bradley
6. Perils of the Heart by Jennifer Ashley
7. Fate by Pamela Leigh Starr
8. Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
9. All Through the Night by Connie Brockway
10. A Dangerous Man by Connie Brockway
11. Then Came You by Lisa Kleypas
12. Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas
13. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
14. Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas
15. Lady Gallant by Suzanne Robinson
16. A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart
17. Ritual Sins by Anne Stuart
18. Lord of Danger by Anne Stuart
19. Special Gifts by Anne Stuart
20. The Shadow and the Star by Laura Kinsale
21. Seize the Night by Laura Kinsale
22. Night Fever by Susan Kyle
23. Night Shadow by Laura Renken
24. Bittersweet Passion by Lynne Graham
25. The Awakening by Jude Deveraux
26. The Princess by Jude Deveraux
27. Sweet Liar by Jude Deveraux
28. Iguana Bay by Theresa Weir
29. The Prince of Midnight by Laura Kinsale
30. Glass Houses by Anne Stuart
31. A Well-Pleasured Lady by Christina Dodd
32. Rules of Engagement by Christina Dodd
33. Some Enchanted Evening by Christina Dodd
34. Lover Awakened by JR Ward
35. Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon
36. Born in Sin by Kinley MacGregor
37. The Soldier and the Baby by Anne Stuart
38. Lazarus Rising by Anne Stuart
39. Reckless Conduct by Susan Napier
40. Mistress of the Groom by Susan Napier
41. Outsider by Sara Craven
42. Man of Stone by Frances Roding
43. Taken Over by Penny Jordan
44. Enamored by Diana Palmer
45. Lawless by Diana Palmer
46. The Rawhide Man by Diana Palmer
47. My Darling Caroline by Adele Ashworth
48. Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase
49. The Texan’s Wager by Jodi Thomas
50. Tallie’s Knight by Anne Gracie
51. Forbidden by Jo Beverley
52. The Rake by Mary Jo Putney
53. Veils of Silk by Mary Jo Putney
54. The Arrangement by Lyn Stone
55. The Wicked Truth by Lyn Stone
56. Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas
57. Never Love a Cowboy by Lorraine Heath
58. Rules of Surrender by Christina Adair
59. The Mercenary by Cherry Adair
60. Velvet Angel by Jude Deveraux
61. Only in My Dreams by Eve Byron
62. Love Me Forever by Johanna Lindsey
63. The Raider by Jude Deveraux
64. Dark Torment by Karen Robards
65. Shadow Play by Katherine Sutcliffe
66. Vows Made in Wine by Susan Wiggs
67. Angels Wings by Anne Stuart
68. The Price of Innocence by Susan Sizemore
69. Gone Too Far by Suzanne Brockmann
70. The Baby Bargain by Dallas Shulze
71. Navy Baby by Debbie Macomber
72. For the Roses by Julie Garwood
73. Delaney’s Desert Sheik by Brenda Jackson
74. The Proposition by Judith Ivory
75. Indecent Deception by Lynne Graham
76. Annie’s Song by Catherine Anderson
77. Baby Love by Catherine Anderson
78. One Secret Too Many by Vanessa Grant
79. Some Sort of Spell by Frances Roding
80. The Winter Heart by Lillian Cheatham
81. Some Girls Do by Leanne Banks
82. No Commitment Required by Seressia Glass
83. The Last Mercenary by Diana Palmer
84. Mackenzie’s Mountain by Linda Howard
85. The Perfect Husband by Lisa Gardner
86. Dance With the Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon
87. Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
88. Connal by Diana Palmer
89. Best Man to Wed? by Penny Jordan
90. Touched by Fire by Kathleen O’Reilly
91. If You Dare by Kresley Cole
92. If You Deceive by Kresley Cole
93. Hester Warring’s Marriage by Paula Marshall
94. Gifford’s Lady by Claire Thornton
95. Beloved by Diana Palmer
96. Cullen’s Bride by Fiona Bride
97. A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole
98. Be My Wife by Marcy Gray
99. Indiscretion by Jillian Hunter
100. Claiming the Courtesan by Anna Campbell
I must tell you this was not easy to do. I had a lot of old favorites but added more than a few new reads. My list reflects my new interest in paranormal, but also shows that I like the books with the strong angsty element, reluctant, if not antiheroes, virgin heroes, warrior or spy heroes or cowboys, tortured heroes, and often scarred physically and mentally characters who have suffered much in life, but have found the person they were meant to be with. It also shows I like pregnancy storylines, marriage books, and also like atypical storylines as well. There are a few fallen heroines thrown in because these women really showed the strength and integrity that I look for in my heroines. The likes are heavily reflective of Victorian, Western, and Regency settings, with a large dose of exotic thrown in.
In short, it is clear that although my tastes have expanded, I still look for the same basic qualities in my reading, books that I can remember and smile about years after reading them. And if I have the time, are eager to pick up and reread just for the fun of it.
These books are the ones that I would probably give up a finger than part with. Certainly if given a choice, they are the ones that will accompany me to a desert island. So I definitely feel like I owe the authors of the above books my profound gratitude for the joy their books have brought to my life.
Disclaimer: Although I am pretty sure that Lord of Scoundrels is my all time favorite, this list is not in order.
Top 100 Favorite Books of All Time (2007 Edition)
1. Seek Only Passion by Deana James
2. Heartless by Mary Balogh
3. A Heart So Wild by Johanna Lindsey
4. Savage Thunder by Johanna Lindsey
5. Fallen by Celeste Bradley
6. Perils of the Heart by Jennifer Ashley
7. Fate by Pamela Leigh Starr
8. Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
9. All Through the Night by Connie Brockway
10. A Dangerous Man by Connie Brockway
11. Then Came You by Lisa Kleypas
12. Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas
13. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
14. Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas
15. Lady Gallant by Suzanne Robinson
16. A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart
17. Ritual Sins by Anne Stuart
18. Lord of Danger by Anne Stuart
19. Special Gifts by Anne Stuart
20. The Shadow and the Star by Laura Kinsale
21. Seize the Night by Laura Kinsale
22. Night Fever by Susan Kyle
23. Night Shadow by Laura Renken
24. Bittersweet Passion by Lynne Graham
25. The Awakening by Jude Deveraux
26. The Princess by Jude Deveraux
27. Sweet Liar by Jude Deveraux
28. Iguana Bay by Theresa Weir
29. The Prince of Midnight by Laura Kinsale
30. Glass Houses by Anne Stuart
31. A Well-Pleasured Lady by Christina Dodd
32. Rules of Engagement by Christina Dodd
33. Some Enchanted Evening by Christina Dodd
34. Lover Awakened by JR Ward
35. Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon
36. Born in Sin by Kinley MacGregor
37. The Soldier and the Baby by Anne Stuart
38. Lazarus Rising by Anne Stuart
39. Reckless Conduct by Susan Napier
40. Mistress of the Groom by Susan Napier
41. Outsider by Sara Craven
42. Man of Stone by Frances Roding
43. Taken Over by Penny Jordan
44. Enamored by Diana Palmer
45. Lawless by Diana Palmer
46. The Rawhide Man by Diana Palmer
47. My Darling Caroline by Adele Ashworth
48. Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase
49. The Texan’s Wager by Jodi Thomas
50. Tallie’s Knight by Anne Gracie
51. Forbidden by Jo Beverley
52. The Rake by Mary Jo Putney
53. Veils of Silk by Mary Jo Putney
54. The Arrangement by Lyn Stone
55. The Wicked Truth by Lyn Stone
56. Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas
57. Never Love a Cowboy by Lorraine Heath
58. Rules of Surrender by Christina Adair
59. The Mercenary by Cherry Adair
60. Velvet Angel by Jude Deveraux
61. Only in My Dreams by Eve Byron
62. Love Me Forever by Johanna Lindsey
63. The Raider by Jude Deveraux
64. Dark Torment by Karen Robards
65. Shadow Play by Katherine Sutcliffe
66. Vows Made in Wine by Susan Wiggs
67. Angels Wings by Anne Stuart
68. The Price of Innocence by Susan Sizemore
69. Gone Too Far by Suzanne Brockmann
70. The Baby Bargain by Dallas Shulze
71. Navy Baby by Debbie Macomber
72. For the Roses by Julie Garwood
73. Delaney’s Desert Sheik by Brenda Jackson
74. The Proposition by Judith Ivory
75. Indecent Deception by Lynne Graham
76. Annie’s Song by Catherine Anderson
77. Baby Love by Catherine Anderson
78. One Secret Too Many by Vanessa Grant
79. Some Sort of Spell by Frances Roding
80. The Winter Heart by Lillian Cheatham
81. Some Girls Do by Leanne Banks
82. No Commitment Required by Seressia Glass
83. The Last Mercenary by Diana Palmer
84. Mackenzie’s Mountain by Linda Howard
85. The Perfect Husband by Lisa Gardner
86. Dance With the Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon
87. Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
88. Connal by Diana Palmer
89. Best Man to Wed? by Penny Jordan
90. Touched by Fire by Kathleen O’Reilly
91. If You Dare by Kresley Cole
92. If You Deceive by Kresley Cole
93. Hester Warring’s Marriage by Paula Marshall
94. Gifford’s Lady by Claire Thornton
95. Beloved by Diana Palmer
96. Cullen’s Bride by Fiona Bride
97. A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole
98. Be My Wife by Marcy Gray
99. Indiscretion by Jillian Hunter
100. Claiming the Courtesan by Anna Campbell
I must tell you this was not easy to do. I had a lot of old favorites but added more than a few new reads. My list reflects my new interest in paranormal, but also shows that I like the books with the strong angsty element, reluctant, if not antiheroes, virgin heroes, warrior or spy heroes or cowboys, tortured heroes, and often scarred physically and mentally characters who have suffered much in life, but have found the person they were meant to be with. It also shows I like pregnancy storylines, marriage books, and also like atypical storylines as well. There are a few fallen heroines thrown in because these women really showed the strength and integrity that I look for in my heroines. The likes are heavily reflective of Victorian, Western, and Regency settings, with a large dose of exotic thrown in.
In short, it is clear that although my tastes have expanded, I still look for the same basic qualities in my reading, books that I can remember and smile about years after reading them. And if I have the time, are eager to pick up and reread just for the fun of it.
These books are the ones that I would probably give up a finger than part with. Certainly if given a choice, they are the ones that will accompany me to a desert island. So I definitely feel like I owe the authors of the above books my profound gratitude for the joy their books have brought to my life.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Books That Stay With You
What are some books that you can't get out of you head and just linger in your mind after you read them?
Lately the books that have had that effect on me are:
Alabaster by Caitlin Kiernan
Lover Awakened by JR Ward ( I think I will probably reread this soon, that's how much Zsadist just captivated me).
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole
If You Decieve by Kresley Cole
Claiming the Courtesan by Anna Campbell
The Smoke Thief by Shana Abe
A short story called The Witch by Isaac Bashevis Singer, which I read nearly a year ago and really just resonates with me.
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase has that effect on me, which is why it is my all time favorite romance
The Shadow and the Star by Laura Kinsale is a long time favorite in this category
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
Heartless by Mary Balogh
The Texan's Wager by Jodi Thomas
The Last Mercenary by Diana Palmer
Ice Station by Matt Reilly
Demolition Angel by Robert Crais
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis (there is something about his writing that just really touches a part of me deep inside. Like I recognize it on an instinctual level. He has a way of appealing to the thinker and the feeling person in me.)
Most of the Dark Hunter books, particularly Fantasy Lover and Dance With the Devil
Bitten by Kelley Armstrong
The Untamed One by Ronda Thompson
The Horseman by Jillian Hart
Sweet Liar by Jude Deveraux
Velvet Angel by Jude Deveraux
A Well-Pleasured Lady, Rules of Surrender, One Kiss From You, Lost in Your Arms by Christina Dodd
Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
Guilty Pleasures and The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K. Hamilton
Most of Anne Stuart's books
Most of Johanna Lindsey's older books and Marriage Most Scandalous (loved Sebastian, the hero) and A Loving Scoundrel.
Fate by Pamela Leigh Starr (just a good, old-fashioned love story with an interracial couple)
Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts
I'll have to go back and look at my journal to find more.
What elements make books stay in your mind (in a good way)?
For me sometimes it's wondering if things really unfolded the way I believe they did. A lot of times it's having a really tortured hero or heroine who manages to overcome so much. It is often an amazing chemistry and sense of rightness between the characters. It could be the blazing intensity of the love scenes that make you now want to put the book down, or the excitement and that feeling of being on the edge of your seat. When it comes to western novels, it the fact that the writer makes you believe you're back in the old west, and you can smell the dust and horses, and feel the desperation of those people who lived by then in that world that was so brutal and where nothing is guaranteed. The same thing happens with really good medievals--the typically short, unglamorous, brutal and violent life where you hope that people find love and a little bit of piece in a crazy world.
One of the things that makes me like urban fantasy is that you can really make a person believe that even though these characters are clearly fictional, it's possible that vampires and werewolves walk the same streets as human beings.
As strange as it sounds, I think an act of unexpected violence preceeded by a quiet scene in a book really can live a lasting impression on you. I'm not sure that I like that feeling, but it is very effective.
A really good, scary story has the effect of imprinting on the reader's psyche. I think that a lot of the classic horror writers were excellent at this, and that's why I prefer the older horror stories.
For example, Manly Wade Wellman, a weird fiction writer from the golden days of weird tales is excellent at creating this sense of dread and belief that superstitions do prevail and knowing and respecting them can save you from the dark elements that await in the shadows. Most of his stories that I have read really made me think, or shudder for some time afterwards, and make me consider that people who hold on to archaic beliefs might actually be right sometimes.
Since I was a young girl and my mother read fairy tales and bible stories to me, I have realized the power of the written word. Books have been my friend, my companion, and my solace through dark moments in my life. And those books that have the power to imprint themselves on the psyche of the reader, they are the most powerful of all.
Lately the books that have had that effect on me are:
Alabaster by Caitlin Kiernan
Lover Awakened by JR Ward ( I think I will probably reread this soon, that's how much Zsadist just captivated me).
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole
If You Decieve by Kresley Cole
Claiming the Courtesan by Anna Campbell
The Smoke Thief by Shana Abe
A short story called The Witch by Isaac Bashevis Singer, which I read nearly a year ago and really just resonates with me.
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase has that effect on me, which is why it is my all time favorite romance
The Shadow and the Star by Laura Kinsale is a long time favorite in this category
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
Heartless by Mary Balogh
The Texan's Wager by Jodi Thomas
The Last Mercenary by Diana Palmer
Ice Station by Matt Reilly
Demolition Angel by Robert Crais
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis (there is something about his writing that just really touches a part of me deep inside. Like I recognize it on an instinctual level. He has a way of appealing to the thinker and the feeling person in me.)
Most of the Dark Hunter books, particularly Fantasy Lover and Dance With the Devil
Bitten by Kelley Armstrong
The Untamed One by Ronda Thompson
The Horseman by Jillian Hart
Sweet Liar by Jude Deveraux
Velvet Angel by Jude Deveraux
A Well-Pleasured Lady, Rules of Surrender, One Kiss From You, Lost in Your Arms by Christina Dodd
Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
Guilty Pleasures and The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K. Hamilton
Most of Anne Stuart's books
Most of Johanna Lindsey's older books and Marriage Most Scandalous (loved Sebastian, the hero) and A Loving Scoundrel.
Fate by Pamela Leigh Starr (just a good, old-fashioned love story with an interracial couple)
Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts
I'll have to go back and look at my journal to find more.
What elements make books stay in your mind (in a good way)?
For me sometimes it's wondering if things really unfolded the way I believe they did. A lot of times it's having a really tortured hero or heroine who manages to overcome so much. It is often an amazing chemistry and sense of rightness between the characters. It could be the blazing intensity of the love scenes that make you now want to put the book down, or the excitement and that feeling of being on the edge of your seat. When it comes to western novels, it the fact that the writer makes you believe you're back in the old west, and you can smell the dust and horses, and feel the desperation of those people who lived by then in that world that was so brutal and where nothing is guaranteed. The same thing happens with really good medievals--the typically short, unglamorous, brutal and violent life where you hope that people find love and a little bit of piece in a crazy world.
One of the things that makes me like urban fantasy is that you can really make a person believe that even though these characters are clearly fictional, it's possible that vampires and werewolves walk the same streets as human beings.
As strange as it sounds, I think an act of unexpected violence preceeded by a quiet scene in a book really can live a lasting impression on you. I'm not sure that I like that feeling, but it is very effective.
A really good, scary story has the effect of imprinting on the reader's psyche. I think that a lot of the classic horror writers were excellent at this, and that's why I prefer the older horror stories.
For example, Manly Wade Wellman, a weird fiction writer from the golden days of weird tales is excellent at creating this sense of dread and belief that superstitions do prevail and knowing and respecting them can save you from the dark elements that await in the shadows. Most of his stories that I have read really made me think, or shudder for some time afterwards, and make me consider that people who hold on to archaic beliefs might actually be right sometimes.
Since I was a young girl and my mother read fairy tales and bible stories to me, I have realized the power of the written word. Books have been my friend, my companion, and my solace through dark moments in my life. And those books that have the power to imprint themselves on the psyche of the reader, they are the most powerful of all.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Why Tortured Heroes?
I love a man with a tortured soul. At least a romance hero. Why?
Well that's a complicated question. My guess is that this adds another layer of depth to the character. I feel that it also lets me be more accepting if the hero behaves badly in a book, at least until he acknowledges that he is madly in love with the heroine and wants to turn over a new leaf.
What defines a tortured hero to me? Well, he has had some signficant event in his life, past or present, that has made him deeply unhappy, or troubled. This causes him to be moody or withdrawn from life. He is often misunderstood because others are afraid of him because of his surly manner, or rumors that are circulating around him. He pushes everyone away in general. If he has relationships with women they are very shallow, even if sexual, and deeply unfulfilling. He may even be quite morally flexible. Perhaps in his mind, he is already banned from heaven, so nothing can make things worse for him in that sense.
This probably seems sadistic on my part. I just know that when he gets his happy ending it's all the more sweeter for the adversity he has faced in his life. In that sense, it proves that love does conquer all, and all things work for the good of those that love God, and all that.
I don't think there is a major potion to make such a scarred character happy. No, it is a journey and an evolution, and it takes a skilled writer to pull this off. I have read some books with tortured heroes that did not touch me, because the writer was not successful in either making the character real and believable, fully-fleshed, or because the change to happy, well-adjusted husband, and possibly father was too unbelievable. Here's to the authors that know the psyche of the tortured hero, and what makes him so beloved to their readers.
Who are some of my favorite tortured heroes?
1.Sebastian Ballister, Marquess of Dain from Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase
2.Zsadist, from Lover Revealed by JR Ward
3.Zarek of Moeisia, from Dance With the Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon
4.Sin MacCallister, from Born in Sin by Kinley MacGregor
5.Samuel Gerard, from The Shadow and the Star by Laura Kinsale
6.Sheridan Drake, from Seize the Fire by Laura Kinsale
7.ST Maitland, from Prince of Midnight by Laura Kinsale
8.Derek Craven, from Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas
9.Simon Navarre, from Lord of Danger by Anne Stuart
10.Nicholas Blackthorne, from A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart
11.James Killoran, from To Love a Dark Lord by Anne Stuart
12.Jack Seward, from All Through the Night by Connie Brockway
13.Harrison Bainbridge, from Never Love a Cowboy by Lorraine Heath
14.Trevor Sheridan, from Lions and Lace by Meagan McKinney
15.Julian of Macedon, from Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon
16.Kyrian of Thrace, from Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon
17.Duke of Kylemore, from Claiming the Courtesan by Anna Campbell
18.Ian Cameron, from Veils of Silk by Mary Jo Putney
19.Reginald Daveport, from The Rakey by Mary Jo Putney
20.Wolf Mackenzie, from Mackenzie's Mountain by Linda Howard
That includes some of my long-standing and newer favorites, but I will always add more!
I challenge you to read some of these, and you find yourself strangely attracted and addicted to tortured heroes, just like I am.
Well that's a complicated question. My guess is that this adds another layer of depth to the character. I feel that it also lets me be more accepting if the hero behaves badly in a book, at least until he acknowledges that he is madly in love with the heroine and wants to turn over a new leaf.
What defines a tortured hero to me? Well, he has had some signficant event in his life, past or present, that has made him deeply unhappy, or troubled. This causes him to be moody or withdrawn from life. He is often misunderstood because others are afraid of him because of his surly manner, or rumors that are circulating around him. He pushes everyone away in general. If he has relationships with women they are very shallow, even if sexual, and deeply unfulfilling. He may even be quite morally flexible. Perhaps in his mind, he is already banned from heaven, so nothing can make things worse for him in that sense.
This probably seems sadistic on my part. I just know that when he gets his happy ending it's all the more sweeter for the adversity he has faced in his life. In that sense, it proves that love does conquer all, and all things work for the good of those that love God, and all that.
I don't think there is a major potion to make such a scarred character happy. No, it is a journey and an evolution, and it takes a skilled writer to pull this off. I have read some books with tortured heroes that did not touch me, because the writer was not successful in either making the character real and believable, fully-fleshed, or because the change to happy, well-adjusted husband, and possibly father was too unbelievable. Here's to the authors that know the psyche of the tortured hero, and what makes him so beloved to their readers.
Who are some of my favorite tortured heroes?
1.Sebastian Ballister, Marquess of Dain from Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase
2.Zsadist, from Lover Revealed by JR Ward
3.Zarek of Moeisia, from Dance With the Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon
4.Sin MacCallister, from Born in Sin by Kinley MacGregor
5.Samuel Gerard, from The Shadow and the Star by Laura Kinsale
6.Sheridan Drake, from Seize the Fire by Laura Kinsale
7.ST Maitland, from Prince of Midnight by Laura Kinsale
8.Derek Craven, from Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas
9.Simon Navarre, from Lord of Danger by Anne Stuart
10.Nicholas Blackthorne, from A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart
11.James Killoran, from To Love a Dark Lord by Anne Stuart
12.Jack Seward, from All Through the Night by Connie Brockway
13.Harrison Bainbridge, from Never Love a Cowboy by Lorraine Heath
14.Trevor Sheridan, from Lions and Lace by Meagan McKinney
15.Julian of Macedon, from Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon
16.Kyrian of Thrace, from Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon
17.Duke of Kylemore, from Claiming the Courtesan by Anna Campbell
18.Ian Cameron, from Veils of Silk by Mary Jo Putney
19.Reginald Daveport, from The Rakey by Mary Jo Putney
20.Wolf Mackenzie, from Mackenzie's Mountain by Linda Howard
That includes some of my long-standing and newer favorites, but I will always add more!
I challenge you to read some of these, and you find yourself strangely attracted and addicted to tortured heroes, just like I am.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
The Nymph King by Gena Showalter
Intrigued by the "myth" of Atlantis? Always wanted to know more about nymphs? Dying to read a book with a heroine who manages fairly well to resist an irresistible hero?
Then you would love this book. Valerian is the Nymph King, irresistible to all womenkind. I was prepared to dislike Valerian, considering that he starts the book in bed with not one or two women, but three. The sneer arose on my lips at this point, yet I still kept reading. This woman is a good writer. She held my attention, and kept me wanting more. As a reader, I want to have an author give me a premise that keeps me glued to the page. Showalter does this.
Captivated is a good term to use for how I felt. I was captivated because I wanted to hear more about the Nymph King and his nymph warriors. As a lifetime lover of mythology and folktales, I was somewhat familiar with the concept of nymphs. But I realized that I really didn't know all that much about them. This book really explored the nymph myth and filled in the blanks, so to speak.
According to Showalter's vision of nymphdom, it seems that a nymph is absolutely controlled by his or her need for sex. This puts them in a difficult situation if they don't have a sexual outlet. The warriors lose strength and power. And considering their ongoing battle with the dragons for control of Atlantis, this would be a serious disadvantage. Unfortunately, the nymph women have not arrived to their new home in Atlantis, claimed from the dragons, their immortal enemies. The nymph men are weakening daily without sex. Because the nymph king has a greater need for sex, he claims the three humans who unwittingly entered the portal to the surface world prior to the start of the book, and entirely with their permission. As a matter of fact, they are ready and willing for more of his attentions. But Valerian is not selfish. He realizes the importance of fulfilling his nymph army's need for sex. He makes the decision to allow them to go to the surface and claim human women as temporary bedmates. He will get more than he imagined.
Valerian is written convincingly, not just another player out to bed every women he sees. I am definitely not a fan of this kind of hero. But one of the ways that a writer wins my loyalty is through the ability to get me to buy a concept I normally don't like. And Showalter does this. She gives the reader plenty of justification for Valerian's lifestyle. At least he has a reason to be such a sex fiend (unlike way too many romance novel so-called heroes). Furthermore, he is likeable because he really does show a sense of honor and duty to his people and his kingdom (I found it to be quite an interesting twist to have a culture built around the need for sex and plenty, even if it's meaningless).
Shaye Holling is serving as a bridesmaid in yet another of her mother's weddings, and hating every minute of it. She has no belief in love and happily ever after and makes it her goal to push every living being away so that her often broken heart is not injured again. She's seen her mother and her father go from lover to lover, has had a host of sometimes nice and sometimes not nice stepsiblings come and go from her life. And she has determined that being alone is much better than being left again and again. She is so dedicated in her cynicism that she started an Anti-Greeting Card company. Some of the lines that she comes up with are classic!
In the midst of a heated argument with her mother, an army of men of unearthly beauty and masculinity arise from the surf like the goddess Aprhodite. There is one man who is the most captivating of all. They come to conquer. Most of the women make easy conquests, unable and unwilling to resist the seductive pull of the nymphs. She and one other women are the only ones to resist (and her story is very interesting, but you'll have to read the book to find out). But Valerian sees the slender, white-blonde with dark eyes, and recognizes his true mate. There is no way he's not taking her. Even against her will.
Then begins a battle of wits, sense against sensibility. A woman's fight to resist an incredible passion for the man who can have any woman, but wants only her. But he's not about to take an unwilling woman. She has to be his of her own volution, although he's not going to let her leave him.
I enjoyed these "battle scenes," if you will. I also enjoyed the new twist on Greek and Atlantean mythology, with a variety of mythical beings thrown in. And heck, I've always been in love with the ocean, and it was really cool to get a vision of life under the sea. (Growing up Splash was one of my favorite movies because I was obsessed with mermaids). Also, I liked that for once the heroine actually does put up a fight and doesn't instantly fall into bed with the so-called irresistible hero. And this is even more fun because he's truly (and magically) irresistible to women. The great thing about it is that Shaye has to work really hard to fight the temptation to surrender to her desires. It's not half-hearted on her part. She's fighting to keep her heart from being broken when he tires of her and moves onto more interesting prey. It brings the battle to another level. It's refreshing change for me. It can be really annoying to read book after book where the heroine has absolutely no resistance to the hero, even knowing that he's bad for her. She loves him so much that she simply must lie down like a doormat and allow her heart to be walked on.
It's hard to say what captivated me so much, but I think part of it is the snappy, often hilarious dialogue, the interesting plot twists, lets face it, the numerous hot men, including nymphs, dragons, and vampires, and the mythology. And also Atlantis is an intriguing idea, and I like what Showalter does with it.
There is a lot of sex going on in this book, most of it between other partners and the best scenes between Shaye and Valerian. After all, it's absolutely essential to their wellbeing. :) Before and after battles, the nymphs must have sex and lots of it. And they're not picky about having it in public places. I couldn't even imagine walking around minding my own business and seeing couples having sex all around me. This is what Shaye is around, knowing that she had to resist with all her heart.
Most definitely, this book is spicy and sensual but hasn't left behind the heart of romance, the story of love between one woman and one man. That's the most seductive part of this book is that pure and simple love story. And it's great when you read an author who hasn't forgotten that.
I'm definitely going on a hunt for the other books in the series....and soon!
Then you would love this book. Valerian is the Nymph King, irresistible to all womenkind. I was prepared to dislike Valerian, considering that he starts the book in bed with not one or two women, but three. The sneer arose on my lips at this point, yet I still kept reading. This woman is a good writer. She held my attention, and kept me wanting more. As a reader, I want to have an author give me a premise that keeps me glued to the page. Showalter does this.
Captivated is a good term to use for how I felt. I was captivated because I wanted to hear more about the Nymph King and his nymph warriors. As a lifetime lover of mythology and folktales, I was somewhat familiar with the concept of nymphs. But I realized that I really didn't know all that much about them. This book really explored the nymph myth and filled in the blanks, so to speak.
According to Showalter's vision of nymphdom, it seems that a nymph is absolutely controlled by his or her need for sex. This puts them in a difficult situation if they don't have a sexual outlet. The warriors lose strength and power. And considering their ongoing battle with the dragons for control of Atlantis, this would be a serious disadvantage. Unfortunately, the nymph women have not arrived to their new home in Atlantis, claimed from the dragons, their immortal enemies. The nymph men are weakening daily without sex. Because the nymph king has a greater need for sex, he claims the three humans who unwittingly entered the portal to the surface world prior to the start of the book, and entirely with their permission. As a matter of fact, they are ready and willing for more of his attentions. But Valerian is not selfish. He realizes the importance of fulfilling his nymph army's need for sex. He makes the decision to allow them to go to the surface and claim human women as temporary bedmates. He will get more than he imagined.
Valerian is written convincingly, not just another player out to bed every women he sees. I am definitely not a fan of this kind of hero. But one of the ways that a writer wins my loyalty is through the ability to get me to buy a concept I normally don't like. And Showalter does this. She gives the reader plenty of justification for Valerian's lifestyle. At least he has a reason to be such a sex fiend (unlike way too many romance novel so-called heroes). Furthermore, he is likeable because he really does show a sense of honor and duty to his people and his kingdom (I found it to be quite an interesting twist to have a culture built around the need for sex and plenty, even if it's meaningless).
Shaye Holling is serving as a bridesmaid in yet another of her mother's weddings, and hating every minute of it. She has no belief in love and happily ever after and makes it her goal to push every living being away so that her often broken heart is not injured again. She's seen her mother and her father go from lover to lover, has had a host of sometimes nice and sometimes not nice stepsiblings come and go from her life. And she has determined that being alone is much better than being left again and again. She is so dedicated in her cynicism that she started an Anti-Greeting Card company. Some of the lines that she comes up with are classic!
In the midst of a heated argument with her mother, an army of men of unearthly beauty and masculinity arise from the surf like the goddess Aprhodite. There is one man who is the most captivating of all. They come to conquer. Most of the women make easy conquests, unable and unwilling to resist the seductive pull of the nymphs. She and one other women are the only ones to resist (and her story is very interesting, but you'll have to read the book to find out). But Valerian sees the slender, white-blonde with dark eyes, and recognizes his true mate. There is no way he's not taking her. Even against her will.
Then begins a battle of wits, sense against sensibility. A woman's fight to resist an incredible passion for the man who can have any woman, but wants only her. But he's not about to take an unwilling woman. She has to be his of her own volution, although he's not going to let her leave him.
I enjoyed these "battle scenes," if you will. I also enjoyed the new twist on Greek and Atlantean mythology, with a variety of mythical beings thrown in. And heck, I've always been in love with the ocean, and it was really cool to get a vision of life under the sea. (Growing up Splash was one of my favorite movies because I was obsessed with mermaids). Also, I liked that for once the heroine actually does put up a fight and doesn't instantly fall into bed with the so-called irresistible hero. And this is even more fun because he's truly (and magically) irresistible to women. The great thing about it is that Shaye has to work really hard to fight the temptation to surrender to her desires. It's not half-hearted on her part. She's fighting to keep her heart from being broken when he tires of her and moves onto more interesting prey. It brings the battle to another level. It's refreshing change for me. It can be really annoying to read book after book where the heroine has absolutely no resistance to the hero, even knowing that he's bad for her. She loves him so much that she simply must lie down like a doormat and allow her heart to be walked on.
It's hard to say what captivated me so much, but I think part of it is the snappy, often hilarious dialogue, the interesting plot twists, lets face it, the numerous hot men, including nymphs, dragons, and vampires, and the mythology. And also Atlantis is an intriguing idea, and I like what Showalter does with it.
There is a lot of sex going on in this book, most of it between other partners and the best scenes between Shaye and Valerian. After all, it's absolutely essential to their wellbeing. :) Before and after battles, the nymphs must have sex and lots of it. And they're not picky about having it in public places. I couldn't even imagine walking around minding my own business and seeing couples having sex all around me. This is what Shaye is around, knowing that she had to resist with all her heart.
Most definitely, this book is spicy and sensual but hasn't left behind the heart of romance, the story of love between one woman and one man. That's the most seductive part of this book is that pure and simple love story. And it's great when you read an author who hasn't forgotten that.
I'm definitely going on a hunt for the other books in the series....and soon!
Well, I Finally Did It!
This whole time I had been playing around with having a blog just where I comment on my reading adventures. I have been posting on my regular blog about books, but this one is going to be solely dedicated to my reviews of books that I have read.
My goal is to someday have a website for this purpose, but Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm going to start small and this is my first step.
My Goals for this Blog:
1. To discuss the books that I have read and my thoughts on them
2. To discuss my ideas on the underlying themes and the way they affected me
3. Occasionally I may post a few of my own stories!
4. Rant on things that made me unhappy in the books I have read
We'll see how this goes!
Disclaimer: If you are an author and happen to read this blog, I don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings but am only stating my impressions and beliefs about a book I have read.

My goal is to someday have a website for this purpose, but Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm going to start small and this is my first step.
My Goals for this Blog:
1. To discuss the books that I have read and my thoughts on them
2. To discuss my ideas on the underlying themes and the way they affected me
3. Occasionally I may post a few of my own stories!
4. Rant on things that made me unhappy in the books I have read
We'll see how this goes!
Disclaimer: If you are an author and happen to read this blog, I don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings but am only stating my impressions and beliefs about a book I have read.

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